Let me be blunt and point out there are still a lot of OLD FOOLS who still believe Danny is the "anointed one" and will turn out and support the little miscreant in the state of Florida. I know that many have "anointed
one" worship syndrome and are virtually blind to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Naturally, every exploiter will gravitate to the population that will still fork over money without question.
Why do you think that "ponzi schemes" are alive and well in Florida??? Many investment scams are born and executed in the Sunshine State.
On the other hand, If I were Gilley, I would want him as far away from Illinois as I could get him.
Did it occur to you it is a hop, skip and jump to certain Caribbean Islands that are likely repositories of "retirement funds"?
But, do not despair, process servers can reach him even on the stage of a live broadcast and boy would I love to be the one to serve the "anointed one" with this Return of Service, LIVE!!!
Whe-e-e Doggie!!!
Gailon Arthur Joy