All 100 pounds and 9800+ pages worth.
Wow. That gives a whole new meaning to the word "brief". lol
Seriously I look forward to reading it. Of course it would be easier if you just posted it, and shared it with me and everyone else as you did with Snoopy.. But as you don't appear to want to do that, I'll have to order it from the court and share it with everyone who is interested myself. I'm certainly glad I don't have to pay for every copy and page you sent...
Have a good day, Bob
As I am sitting here watching the day dawn in the eastern sky, I have cause to comtemplate whether Ian will really read that master-peice casually referred to as a brief?
I wonder if IAN will ever get to a point where IAN and her ILK realizes just how abusive and fraudulent the Danny Lee Shelton administration of 3ABN proved to be and just how much he personally enriched himself by the abuse of his position;
Or just what a profound lie it is that he had any basis, biblical or otherwise, to dump the old grey mare and take up with a young filly;
Or just how vicious it is for the 3ABN Board of directors to continue to conduct their filthy effort to discredit Linda Sue Shelton when the evidence is so clear that their own MENTOR, Danny Lee Shelton lacks credibility and snookered them into participating in one of the largest frauds in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church;
Or what a hypocricy it is to pretend that you are the "Three Angels" message personified when you are hateful, deceitful and unforgiving in the most decisive way.
Perhaps on day the Day will dawn, even for IAN!!! Let us hope it is before the Second Coming.
Enjoy reading the brief while we wait for the spin control from the miscreants of SDA televangelism gone awry!!!!
Gailon Arthur Joy