Yes, and it is not good. Another friend and I have spent quite a bit of time with Tiffany's mom. We separately came to the conclusion something more is driving this .
While it is not unusual for a model child to tempoorarily "lose" their mind and do some pretty rebellious things, this has gone way beyond and now has other components.
Tiffany did well for a couple of weeks with her grandmother and then came home. Lasted two days. She then packed her bags and went back to this jerk.
When she left the father informed the mother that they needed to think about divorce as he did not like that fact she had been so angry. He wanted her to go away for a month and think about her "attitude" Prior to that he arranged for the mom to see a counselor,"picking out the professional help.
Along with that he now thinks they should sell the house and get a fresh start. I am a skeptic and firmly believe he is getting his ducks in a row because he has already made the decision and is using this as an excuse.
The mom did leave for out of state for a month. While I don't blame her for needing a few days away, a month in this situation is far to long. She had not completed income tax yet, a job she always does, one he claims not to know as much about,yet he assured her that she needed to go and "rest" and he would take care of it.
She is pretty confused at the moment and I don't think sees anything but that this has been her fault.
During this, another interesting aspect was the brother, a year younger was sent to his grandmother's so he "could get away".
I worked with the mom for four years and had noticed what were to me, control issues. While not attacking it head on I danced around what was going on.
Among other things,She did some sewing for me for a bit, he did not like our relationship and sabatoged at every turn, never letting her complete a project .
It was "Honey, you work to hard, come watch TV with me" Honey, let's go out to dinner, you can do that anytime".
Yet two weeks later, he was on her to get a real job. She was working parttime then for the same company as I did. She resisted for a bit, until divorce was threatened in a round about way. She caved and took a grueling job and things seemed to level off till the trouble with their daughter.
IMO, there are some very serious issues that began a long time ago. How they have impacted Tiffany I don't know, but if the mom can sort this out, she may find the key to her daughter.
In our housing market you do not suddenly decide to sell your home because you have had some problems with your child. You don't threaten a spouse with a divorce because they have become angry,upset and cried over their child. Nor do you send them away for a month.
Time will tell, but I see red flags waving all over the place