I noticed that Calvin later admitted to adding the post himself after he saw the link.....
Although I have no doubt he did, I am having a difficult time finding where Calvin "admitted" to adding the post himself, could you provide that link?
In that case, just wondering why Calvin bothered to bring the story over to BSDA...
Do you think the non-speculative thing to do would be to just ask him since you post there and can contact him via PM?
Here is the PM I sent Sister soon after I edited her post.
From: calvin
To: sister
Send Time: 09.02.2008 - 20:40
Read Time: 09.02.2008 - 21:26
Subject: I should not have edited your post
Sorry Sister for editing your post. I should have posted your story under my id. I felt is was important that since you started the story here that it was a disservice for our members to have to go elsewhere to continue following it. I see you have already made a few edit so I will leave it alone, however if you want to delete what I have posted that would be fine.