I would like to know if it can be shown that it did indeed originate from Danny Shelton for the reason that even I wouldn't be crazy enough to issue such a time specific utterance that says it is all going to happen this coming winter, such as:
1 - The Lord will pour out his wrath during this winter season.
2 - The first plague will hit the earth this winter on a Sabbath day.
3 - As of the 30th-11-2008, i would advice you to go to the grocery store and buy as much food and water supplies to last you for at least 5 months (that is approximately how long the Tribulation will last).
4 - Immediately after this Great Tribulation,.. (that is during the 6th plague) Jesus Christ will
appear in the Clouds and in Great glory with all the host of Heaven. That day and hour no man knows.
Can somebody here who are on the good graces of Danny Shelton, either verify, or refute this as originating from him?