Well, two weeks and Ian has fallen silent. At a lose for words, I guess. Too late to be any value to us, or the accountant or the Remnant folks. Sorry you passed on this one. I am sure you will be back when you think you have a winner...best of luck.
Back to the topic:What issues was Danny Concealing
How about this is old fashioned scape goat - someone had to take the fall for the problems that were befalling 3ABN. They had the tax case that was lost and Danny may have been of the opinion that Linda's testimony was a major factor. Nicholas Miller and friends had used Danny as the cleanup batter and he failed miserably, in fact setting them up for a steeper fall. Something had to be done to deflect attention form this personal disaster to the Shelton Business and the issue of Mid-life crisis.
Donations were falling off as AToday and other publications and forums took one whack after another at 3ABN for the extravagant corporate jets, financial issues and went so far as to question integrity of the "annointed one".
In conservative circles, some felt that Linda's programming, devotional style and on stage warmth was a bit too liberal for the cultish right wing taste and it would be best to get rid of her.
When the question came up regarding why Danny had a problem with phone calls to Linda's son's doctors, I am told Danny went into a multi hour tirade throwing twenty years of issues back into Linda's face and leading to the summation of the Chairman as "Looks like the President is simply no longer happy with his vice president...". Linda had to go... and 3ABN, under the masterful crafting of General Counsel, would have to sacrifice Linda in the hopes the sacrifice would appear to rid the 3ABN camp of it's Aachan.
In fact, they played it so well (they even pretended to have "proof") with insinuation and rumor that it did indeed lead to an uptick in sympathy giving...quite an uptick I am told. The financial records will certainly tell the story. But, then they asked General Counsel to go a bit too far for his ethics and he became the victim of 3ABN sacrificial offerings himself.
Problem is, they did not count on growing public resistance to the unsanctified sacrifice...unheard of, of course. And then Linda actually wanted to get her fair share of the Shelton Business... another concept they did not count on. How dare she...particularly after 3ABN gave her that serverance package a/k/a hush money. Why, she should have been completely happy with that and forgetten the Lifetime Membership she left behind, after all, membership has it's privileges (next time, maybe you should consider some tranquil greek isle and give her as much as you were taking!!!)?
And then, there was Brandy. a lovely lady who got what she wanted but proved to be the final
straw, even for the conservatives, as the questions grew in volume regarding the basis for the Guam divorce of the "Annointed One". And who ever thought that all those financial issues would begin to leak out of the 3abn seive. Add insult to injury, and in typical despotic nepotic style, Danny decides to replace his supposedly problematic wife with his much more problematic brother
(A minefield just waiting for someone to step right into it. Why, oh why, such a fatal error???
The perfect storm broke and the cultish conservatives found themselves dead center of the maelstrom...only one thing to do, exonerate oneself with a civil defamation suite and hope the problems would go away. Particularly if you could get it sealed, but not even that worked.
The problems did not abate, and it clearly was Linda's fault. Linda was the center of the controversy and therefore it was Linda's fault. Linda supporters were causing all this trouble because Linda was leading a rebellion against the "annointed one". Linda was making the victims of retaliation, abuse and civil rights violations in California go the the Federal EEOC. Linda was the one getting the IRS to take a look at 3ABN (probably wishes she was as the reward will likely be a pretty hefty sum). Linda was the one who got Joy and Pickle to take on 3ABN, despite the evidence that it began with revalations regarding Danny's brother, Tommy Ray Shelton. The mysticism of Linda was all pervasive...she was trhe personification of the Devil attacking 3ABN!!!
Now, Danny and cult were orignally content with the scapegoat simply staked in the desert, but she kept coming back to haunt them. The atonement offering just would not work. There is no question, since there has been NO ATONEMENT in the 3ABN camp, the scapegoat still haunts them. Reason is simple: they bannished the lamb and kept the goat.
Now what to do, they cannot burn her at the stake, and they cannot put her on the rack...but they can try to haunt her in return. Maybe, just maybe, the Lord will bless the effort and turn things around without atonement. After all, atonement would mean banishing the real scapegoat. Lord forbid that they have to rid themselves of the real AAchan in the camp!!!
For those who can see, let it be seen; For those who are blind, may they be blind forever!!!
So, Johann, how about you add a little mid-life crisis with the simple old concept of trying to put the sins of the camp upon the lamb and pretending it was the scapegoat?
Gailon Arthur Joy