Junebug, I don't know about you but my imagination has been piqued and is now running wild...
Perhaps New Englanders fire off a salvo of disparaging verbage to try to make the bugs rush off in terror.
Or, maybe New Englanders recount their tremendously successful exploits in great detail to make the critters quake in fear and slink away to safer climes.
Hmmmm, could it be that New Englanders paint the carapaces (the hard bony or chitinous outer coverings of these insects) like little jewels, attach them to their fancy hats, fur stoles or watch fobs and have a high tea.
Oh, I suppose New Englanders could insinuate that the Junebugs are really Danny Shelton in disguise and hope the shock and awe of being discovered would cause them to give up and admit to it.
If all else fails, perhaps New Englanders threaten to make those annoying bugs a party in a counterclaim for having the gall to invade their spaces.
But, to get back on topic, Junebug, do you think someone should ask Danny Shelton if he knows what they do to Junebugs in New England?