There's just one little problem -- and that is if you choose to believe all that Dan said about Linda, it's not putting the best interpretation on her actions. So sometimes one has to make choices of whom to believe.
That is why you do not believe heresay ever. Just the facts proven beyond a shadow of doubt. The American way.
That means, of course, that we don't believe any of the things the 3ABN board has implied about Linda nor the nasty things Dan has written about Linda (no hearsay, they're documented in emails) nor the nasty things others have written/implied about Linda here.
Suits me fine.
Of course, that also means that most posts on this board shouldn't be here. Only the
factual evidence should remain, preferably without interpretive comment. You know, facts such as that Dan Shelton divorced his wife without biblical reason and took up with a younger model not so much later, boasting how much "prettier" she was than Linda. (documented) And that while he himself clearly and publicly did not live according to the Ten Commandments, he felt free to author a book on the subject and preach on the subject.
That reminds me a bit of a certain religious sect in Christ's day.
And all the while, Linda is still single... Makes one think. ..
But there really is not a lot to discuss, is there?