I am concerned; very concerned about this happening. I have heard the story several times before. The story has been told to others, by others, before; some at 3ABN knew also; others knew he was using 3ABN equipment to tape the games; others knew it was put on satellite; others knew he bought her a car. No one cared. No one called him on it.
It was common knowledge that Danny used the jet to attend sports games out of the state and probably in the state. No one cared/cares. Did Danny's church know?
We have all heard all the stories! 3ABN has heard all the stories. Yet, they continue to allow Danny to reign supreme at 3ABN! It seems the last days are already here and the Lord has only a few true followers that will do what is right in God's eyes, no matter what the consequences. There are none of these followers at 3ABN. In fact, I have come to the conclusion that God doesn't live there anymore. I believe He has moved to another place where His name can be lifted high.
I believe those that are using 3ABN are beginning to feeling the effects of their decisions to continue to associate with 3ABN, not caring that Danny Shelton is not of God. I have always loved Amazing Facts and Maranatha. However, I have lost all respect for Amazing Facts, Maranatha, ASI & others. They all know, but are over looking his horrendous activities to use 3ABN for their own edification and gratification! It is disgusting beyond measure.
Yes, Crystal, I fear evil abounds because of the way Danny has conducted his life. This person is not the 1st to come along that can tell a similar story. In fact I get an upset stomach when I see Brenda Walsh. She and Danny are a disgrace to the Name of Jesus Christ! How can they dare put the two of them up on the pedestal as the leaders of children? May God tear them out of 3ABN with a mighty hand. If He is not able to root the evil out, I pray that 3ABN will disappear! That is harsh from me because I have been an avid viewer of those that are holding the banner of Christ high. However, I am changing my opinions very fast.
The BOD still condone actions and keep Danny in his position. Therefore, I believe they are no longer of God, period!
ASI continues to glorify Danny and his evil even though he refuses to have the GC audit his books! Danny does not come close to living up to their requirements. In support of the evil Danny, they have withheld funds from other ministries because of Danny! This is a sin! They are not of God. There are those that share Board positions on ASI and 3ABN. They are not following the clear word of God. I cannot support them since they are promoting evil. They can no longer be of God!.
Maranatha Shares Board members of ASI and 3ABN Therefore, all three of those organizations are in bed together! Each bear the responsibility of Danny continuing as the leader of 3ABN! They each are contributing to evil by choice. They still supports Danny, or they would go to Hope TV! As long as these choices continue, the more I am convinced that 3ABN needs to be destroyed so God can cleanse the camp once and for all. Danny must be set free so he can continue his life filled with evil without being a Seventh-day Adventist representative.
That is so harsh, but it is how I am beginning to feel. I am not alone either. I just spoke with a friend. Women's ministry leaders are hearing Brenda Walsh's telephone conversation. They are not going to invite them to women's ministries any more. This is in another state and I believe it will be the same in Texas as more members hear that telephone conversation.
Bob and Gailon are our only earthly hope of something being done! Please pray their appeal is won! They have been faithful in many things. They are not perfect, but have really been used. God has led all of the witnesses to come to them with evidence. God can intervene. Then again he may allow them to just rot away.
No money of mine will go to these three ministries including Amazing Facts!
If an SDA pastor was treating a 17 year-old girl to dinner alone, taking her to sporting events alone and having her baseball and basketball games recorded, then this would raise eyebrows in any church community. People would be suspicious of such behavior. They would demand to know what the purpose was in doing this...
So shouldn't a self-proclaimed evangelist and southern gospel singer also be questioned and held accountable for this same kind of behavior? Especially since he's claimed his wife was unfaithful to him?