Doesn't the greater good the money from Little Debbies does over ride the white sugar and fat health problem? Doesn't the greater good the SDA programs aired on 3ABN and the converts made over ride any possible damage the double standards manifested by the organization might do to any individual? Since they are connected in some way with the SDA church, maybe I will not die of a heart attack if I live on a steady diet of only Little Debbies. Since 3ABN is making converts, maybe I should overlook any harm it might be doing to any individual. Wasn't that the argument about crucifying Jesus, the good of the nation or the individual?
If the argument about unclean meats not being sanctified by praying over them is valid, doesn't that principle appy here? Is something good just because it is SDA? Are we as vulnerable to groupthink as any other group? I'm not saying don't eat junk food at all. I'm saying how something is perceived doesn't alter what it really is.