I just went over to BSDA and read Clays "rant". I was not impressed, it is typical Clay. As he said himself, he always has to have the last word. ...And then he closes the thread. What did surprise me was the venom in Bonnie's posts, not what she said, but the way she said it. I heard the sound of frustration echoed through all she had to say. **** **** ****** **** **** **** ****** ****** ***** *** **** * ***** I believe she added to the discussion, except when she and Gailon had at each other like two junkyard dogs. Both of them could have toned it down a few notches and gained more sympathy. There is no honor in fighting like the devil in order to defend the kingdom of God.
Edited by Artiste to remove inappropriate content
1) Junkyard dogs? Good grief, I have never even posted on Black SDA. But, let me point out that if there is to be a fight, I am usually up to it.
2) Sympathy? Who has applied for sympathy? This is about debate and sympathy is as barren as the Sahara.
3) Clay: I will be quite frank and state emphatically that I neither appreciate, nor like, what I have observed of the obnoxious moderator referred to as Clay, dare I out his real full name? Clay has never exhibited open mindedness, even handedness, moderate temper nor acceptable character. And given his statements, I question whether he has even exhibited a belief in Seventh-day Adventist fundemental beliefs, let alone the second coming.
4) And Clay's Soviet approach to dealing with issues is classic despotic behaviour. Open a thread, rant without any foundation and then close it to comment? I question his analytical ability. What did we say about Cindy that equated her with any pseudonym? Nothing, absolutely nothing. And did we trash her when we (and some of you) knew we could? Absolutely not.
5) Do we have a right to to discuss Cindy's intrigue and her use of surrogates rather than facing us directly? We absolutely do. And Grandma Nettie is not the only person that played surrogate.
6) And how about Cindy, the dispassionate SDA Church hater, calling Ken Corkum of Maritime Conference to complain? Give me a break. If he knew what I knew, he would have gotten on a jetplane to Ohio to make a pastoral call to deal with some of her issues- and given her cell phone call the lack of credibility and time it deserved-.
7) Cindy made a couple of attempts to contact me in the early days of the 3ABN vs Joy litigation to give advise and assistance. I declined. I knew enough about Cindy to know that we did not need her working with us. And we already knew she was stressed beyond belief. The last thing she needed was more of the same given the magnitude this case would deliver. And you know what they say about a woman scorned...? But then to work both sides? And give Linda Shelton seriously flawed advise (dare I call it ill-legal advise?)!!! A complaint to the right bar association would have sunk that hull real fast. Still could!!!
In fact, our case has never reached the magnitude I thought it would attain, but better days are ahead. As the other side gets more desperate to keep us out of the books, I expect it will intensify and get downright VISCIOUS!!! But we are quite comfortable with Counselor Bob Pickle case managing and working super diligently to give them two runs for every ounce of effort they make. BEST DOG-GONE LITIGATOR I HAVE EVER WORKED WITH!!! And I suspect we will work together again in the future, as often as I can get him into trouble!!! In my opinion, BOB MISSED HIS CALLING!!! (But he is no junkyard dog, he leaves the bark and bite to me).
I have come to realize that Bob Pickle has more tenacity than the entire brotherhood at world famous DLA Piper (formerly DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary) with its 3000 lawyers, one of which congratulated me for the work I did for a lawyer on an insurance case that we blew apart within sixty days by investigating and counterclaiming, including specific allegations against the attorney for the plaintiff, for a misuse of process claim and various other allegations. Ironically, it was dismissed before the insurance company could even determine liability and assign counsel. My only problem is I know Bob could have gotten it done in thirty days!!! (Those young whipper snappers just have too much vim and vinegar for us old dogs to keep up with).
In any event, I have come to the conclusion that I am glad I did not trade Cindy for Bob!!! I just wish she had complained to my conference president, as Bob and I just got them out of a pickle and solved a monstrous little problem that was plaguing a semi-retired former conference president and several of his parishioners. And the little miscreant has decided to move back to his homeland to avoid prosecution. Another job well done, BOB!!!
And I guess that brings us to an interesting proposition- Hey, Clay, why don't you speak to Gregory and see if you have the right to litigate and we can take this issue up in a civil court? Of course, we do get to rebut your rants there and you cannot close the session before we get the opportunity!!! I know that probably does not settle well with despots, but it is the real world of US Constitutional Law. Or you could, in good sense, evaporate that thread to keep people from realizing that you "outted" your own!!!
Gailon Arthur Joy, the Junkyard Dog!!!
(OOP'S, caught again!!!)