You should listen to a real lawyer, not an alleged, arm chair, lawyer wanna be. Arm chair legal advice is just that, "Arm Chair". It carries zero authority, unless they have been forced to defend themselves in a federal court of law!
If my memory serves me, Danny and 3ABN wanted Linda out of IL so they could register their 3ABN Trademark. They needed her gone so she couldn't do it before Danny did and she also couldn't be there for the now famous board meeting. You know, the one where there were 2 evil men in their midst? The sheriff was called to man handle them off the compound. I am sure Johann can refresh your memory since he was allegedly one of the evil ones!.
On another note, off topic, the 3ABN Today credits this weekend did not include Danny Shelton! First billing went to Jesus Christ, but no Danny Shelton as producer! It is about time! Jim Gilley was second as President or producer, I am not sure. I was too busy looking for Danny Shelton! Zilch, Nada, gone! I am so proud of them for that! To me that impresses me more than anything so far.