We have been asked who Gospel Outreach are. Here is from their web page
http://www.goaim.org/about/About us
Gospel Outreach is dedicated to extending the international ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in what's known as the 10/40 Window of the world. It provides funding for native workers in some of the world's poorest countries.
Facts at a glance
Did you know that it costs only $150 per month to support a native Gospel Outreach evangelist? Other facts:
* Gospel Outreach is a non-profit organization founded in the early 1990s by Edgar Pangilinan and Frank Stanyer.
* Gospel Outreach raises funds to hire native workers, employing them in evangelism for a fraction of what it would cost to send an evangelist from North America.
* These native evangelists are recruited, hired, trained, and supervised by the regular mission sections of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Gospel Outreach simply provides the funding.
* Gospel Outreach currently funds 2,600 native evangelists.
* Gospel Outreach has no paid employees. All officers, division directors, board members, and administrative helpers are unpaid volunteers.
Read the inspirational story about the founding of Gospel Outreach.