Yes, Sam, many have spent much of their lives making 3ABN work, including Linda Sue Shelton. But our interest is with those who spent a part of their lives trying to convert the assetts of God's work to their own use and tried to build it into their own business empire, when people making all those contributions thought it was being sent to fund God's work.
And how about all the people who have worked there day after day providing support and services and watch while a very select few, mostly well connected family members, live quite comfrotably while they have difficulties making ends meet or have lives torn a part by financial difficulty and in some cases divorce.
And what about those who look at the rather bazaar standard of "spiritual adultery" that has been applied to Linda Shelton to dump her in very short order with no proof of adultery, while family members and relatives of key donors caught red-handed are allowed to stay, in some cases to err many times again?
These are called the Danny Shelton Standards, what is good for the Goose but is never good for the gander unless Danny elects to forgive the gander, with money and familial consideration a key factor.
Frankly, the problems at 3ABN began more than two decades ago and have simply escalated as leadership learned they could get away with almost anything, except divorce!!! That was their waterloo and they just cannot shake the legacy. Now that the financial issues are also out of the
bag, every effort is being bent to hide the aweful truth.
And Ten Commandments Week-end simply put the spotlight on financial issues as 3ABN burned 3Million more than they brought in. Since the website did not get started till January, hard to explain bad managment away with a website offense, but you know the old story, you can fool some of the people all the time, all of the people some of the time, but never all the people all the time. That is why all that financial paperwork is essential. You see, 3ABN's huge loss is more logically due to mis-managment, pathetic public relations from your own actions and personal inurement than bad journalism, and if the bad journalism were based upon factual history derived from your own actions, well, best of luck convincing a real jury that two no-bodies were really able to create any sustainable damage that was not well deserved as a result of the truth finally being available for the stock-holders in the pews to hold you accountable.
Not a pleasant reality, but good forensic accounting and our own auditing will put the peices into perspective and give a jury of our peers the clarity they will need to see clearly the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, not the rants of theatrical lawyers. Numbers simply do not lie!!!
Gailon Arthur Joy