Letter to Linda posted by Linda over at Facebook:
"Dear Linda, I am so very sorry you have had to go through so much trouble for so many years. I just had to tell you that. I can empathize with you to a certain degree, but absolutely nothing with which you have had and continue to go through. I too was married to a SDA pastor and after 25 years of marriage, he totally changed after getting involved with someone else and falling into the trap of adultery. Isn't it sad how sin and selfishness changes a person? It's been 13 years now since we've been divorced.
During the time you felt so lonely and completely alone, I would have loved to have been your best friend, because you seem to be a very kind, genuine, loving person... Even if it isn't popular to do so, I believe that truth is more important than anything else, such as status, position, fame, etc. If I never meet you in person here on this earth I know we will be dear friends in heaven.
...I did read your book... I never had 3ABN on television and never met you at any church event, so I never really knew you until I read your book. Everytime I would open it I would pray to God for discernment and conviction of truth. After all, anybody could write a book and it could be full of lies. But God gave me peace that only He can give. Praise be to our God, He has preserved you with your special, mighty guardian angel to finally expose the real truth. A wise person once said, "If God doesn't want me dead, there's nothing anybody can do to kill me." And now that I know a bit of your heart through your book, I pray for you for protection and comfort, and for the vindication of truth... In closing, my heart goes out to you. From sister to sister, I send my love and a great big hug! Remember, we are survivors in the Lord..." (from Marilyn in Washington, May 23, 2016)