I have long since abandoned being a respecter of Doctorates or Corporate Positions. The Bible is very definitely a guidepost for eternal life and the opinions and studied thesis of human wisdom can be quite debilitating to christian development and the moral standards.
I look at Geithner of treasury with utmost disdain as he struggles with the mess he and the wall street crowd have created. I saw Paulson, a football hero just four years ahead of me turn into an incompetent bumbler as the waves of financial crisis washed over him and he had to turn to the Federal Treasury to cover the sins of his progeny and others on wall street gone awry in debt and mis-management. And Jamie Dimon struggle with a $5 Billion (yup, a B) loss from a hired gun in London that gambled with the banks money and ran up against former JPMorgan traders determined to punish Dimon and company.
Interestingly, most of the bankers that gave us this mess we live in were Harvard MBA's, some with more than one and many duel JD, MBA's.
I am no respecter of human intelligence and academic achievement and will stand with the eternal brilliance and simple intelligence of a Bible Scholar with no degree ANY DAY!!! An individual driven by his right of conscience and his connection with Heavenly Intelligence at one with the Holy Spirit.
Gailon Arthur Joy