Hi Enoch, thanks for your post but want to let you know that I am not a person that studies anything to suit my needs. I am a person that investigates everything until I can match all that is right and even then open to all views because correct view consist of truth for salvation.
Actually in the book"Story of Redemption" spells it out pretty extensive. and you also have to realize John is in vision very futuristic and still calls all the nations tribes. and-- read it closely as Rev 14 uses the word 'WERE" A PAST TENSE WORD. THE PLAN WAS NOW IN PLACE FOR LATTER DAY TIME AND COMPLETE.
Then I heard Ken Cox version and still did not agree but do realize all the different characteristics play a part but not in this scenario.
The part that I feel that most evangelists leave out and do not place in right position is this, unless you can make it more understandable in all matching with all verses--.
There is scripture that says that all who have followed the lamb or carried the 3rd angels message will be in a special Resurrection way before the coming. do you recall this? but-- almost all preaching on the 144,000 claim "that in conclusion it can not be-and the 144,00 will not face death and therefore conclude 144,000 is still futuristic" - for the whole symbolic number". I take it the mistake is made when preaching is like I have always heard-- that the 144,000 will NEVER face death! Now please tell me where that states that!!.
My reading tells me point blank "they will be in a LIVING STATE. Are we concluding our own theory here Of "never facing death" or will the 144,000 all be in a "living state" from all generations that presented the 3rd angels message (that "followed the lamb whithever they went"??) Then that is the reason I conclude from Story of Redemption that when the 4winds were about to blow and Jesus claimed my blood, my blood because the 3rd angels message was not given yet--therefore 144,000 messangers explained in Rev 14 sent to 12 different tribes of which we have no idea who or what but must realize that plan foresaw by John was a system or multiplication of first literal number to be multiplied into the redeemed. Story of Redemption explains that the Son went into counsel with the Father and this is Now the Plan for 3rd angels message. Also The sowers and the reapers study. Then the study of the rewards and on and on till a golden thread is circled and all comes together.
Then there is the statement that EGW says it is not important to know who the 144,000 is because 'WE WILL SOON KNOW". Yes it fits here because the "Righteous will know as the original 144,000 will walk in a "living state" before the coming in the "special Resurrection" concluded in scripture. They carried the last message stating the last statement for the Redemption and reinstatement of the whole Commandments of God and Blessed are those that keep the commandments of God that they may enter in. So Now ask your self why scripture has different groups that are redeemed?
Doesn't it seem a little odd that there is going to be or referred to as all the Just, all the Righteous, and then the Holy all in one verse. (Aren't these all saved? Yes! but why show different words supposedly meaning the same thing??) Whats the difference?? Volume 5 tells it all. The Just are the ones like Miller and all in previous generation that did not have the 3rd angels message and lived up to their knowledge the best they knew. The unjust are in the worse scenario as they went to church and knew all their own ways. The really wicked will just be ended in this life and the Holy are those that carried the message with never leaving the side of God and brought in the Redeemed and used as Gods MESSENGERS- that He Chose and not we our selves. It was Gods plan for last day church to be reinstated to the fullest. and the Holy will have their reward explained very thoroughly.
I can go on with all reasoning that all fits with the writings of EGW when many many comments she makes with who will be "with" the 144,000. Look up the story of Mrs. Hastings and many others. She never ever states they would be "IN" THE 144,000 BUT "WITH" THE 144,000 CAUSE THEN THAT WOULD BE SUBTRACTION AND THE NUMBER WOULD BECOME LITTERAL INSTEAD OF GODS PLAN FOR HIS ORGINAL NUMBER OF MESSENGERS TO ALL TRIBES BE NOW IN SYMBOLISM BECAUSE OF MULTIPLICATION AND THE REDEEMED BROUGHT IN BY THE "MESSANGERS" THAT GOD PREPARED BACK IN JOHN'S VISION. According to "Story of Redemption" The son pleaded for our blood in these last days to know the "perfect" and all the law of God as it was brought in 3rd Angels last message. and so now you can see my reason for a total belief in our "inspired writer." What a blessing again we have! It all has to connect for me to believe so show me where this is not connected. I got this from outlining and reading every book and the whole scenario connecting very simply and giving quite stability to my wondering mind of wanting the real truth.