Bob, do you believe that there is no sin among the leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist church? Rather unlikely, don't you think? Where is the SaveTheSDAChurch website or discussion forum? Do you believe that in your investigation of 3abn you and Gailon are doing God's work? Are you sinless as you proceed? Are you obeying God completely? Are you requiring that everyone who helps you in this endeavor conducts themselves in total obedience to God?
Hey, easy now. You're not doing our friends at 3ABN by putting forth such a polemic. That's the old weak argument like: "Officer, why are you pulling me over for speeding when there are drug dealers and murderers out there walking the streets freely."
And BTW, there are already many websites out there exposing problems with the SDA church. Do we really need another one?
And, if I may take the side of Pickle/Joy for a moment: There are systems in place for dealing with problems within the SDA church. Elder Folkenberg was removed from his post by those vested with church authority after an investigation revealed certain indiscretions committed by Elder Folkenberg were unbecoming a president of the SDA church.
I must say, I have noted that the Pickle camp have requested a similar investigation be done in this matter, but apparently there are currently no mechanisms within 3ABN to deal with such matters at this time.
Perhaps there are lessons for all in this matter for the proper ways to deal with conflict resolution.