Lily Grow some brains, you pedophile defender!
Lily states this:
by Lilly ยป Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:14 am UTC
Most of the time I don't read tinka's words on AdventTalk but did this time and was immediately sorry. While I do not condone pedophilia in any way shape or form, yet I will not be a "Hitler" type hate-person and comdemn someone to Siberia. But it isn't even that so much as the hatred of this woman shown so severely on AdventTalk. I thought the Bible said to hate the sin but love the sinner. She even calls him an "animal." I think this is reprehensible and disgusting to talk this way about another human being over the internet, I don't care what they've done or not done.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth died for everyone. Even you tinka
Btw he is an animal, Lily, only animals do sick perverted things. Your really sick you know that, Lily?