The Church is not supposed to be run like a heirarchy -- from top down.
When EGW said "God has ordained that the representatives of His church from all parts of the earth, when assembled in a General Conference, shall have authority. The error that some are in danger of committing, is in giving to the mind and judgment of one man, or of a small group of men, the full measure of authority and influence that God has vested in His church," she showed that the authority was with the PEOPLE, not with the heirarchy.
What's happening isn't "private opinion" like it or not -- it is the voices of the churches wanting to be heard.
Probably to solve the issue according to the voice of the church, they should allow every union to have a constituency meeting like the Columbia Union and the Pacific Union had, and ENCOURAGE people to vote on the issue. This would show the true "mind and judgement" of the church, it would also show whether or not there is a cultural/ethnical bias .