Would you expect a firm that is created to help victims of Pastoral Sexual Abuse to unsubscribe from a newsletter that deals with claims of Pastoral Sexual Abuse???
Help@TheHopeOfSurvivors.com did just that!!! Hypocrisy, right???
Wouldn't you expect them to ask for more information and even ask if they could talk to the victims??? That is, if they REALLY CARED about pastoral Sexual abuse!!!
Do you think it is because we didn't donate? Or is it because it is about a Shelton?
Their website declares:
"As people who have been where you are and understand your confusion, feelings and pain, we desire to help victims of clergy sexual abuse and misconduct and their families by making information readily available to them. We are available to provide encouragement, support via email, written correspondence, phone and conferences...Clergy sexual abuse and misconduct (including spiritual abuse) is wrong. It is the pastor's (or any other person in the role of authority) responsibility to maintain appropriate boundaries. This site is for those who desire to receive true healing—spiritual, emotional and physical—from the devastation of clergy sexual abuse."
But they continue to ignore this blatant example of unfettered sexual abuse and I declare:
SHAME ON YOU for being hopeless and helpless in the face of such serious allegations...you should have your 501-c-3 cancelled and stripped of your duties as you have refused to cover the most egregious example of sexual abuse right under your own noses!!!
You might as well sell your list of abused patrons to Attorneys John Manly and Jeff Anderson...they will at least make an effort to get justice!!!
Any idea why it is un-important to Hope for Survivors? Love to hear your input!!! (Where is Madame Mizer when you need her?)
Gailon Arthur Joy