So, these are normal occurences and based on them alone we not make any changes to the way we treat the earth?
Yes, these are normal occurences and basing major change on irrelevant factors does not seem like a good idea to me. In fact, it seems to backfire. However, there are very valid factors that, I believe, cry out for action. Environment: smog, water pollution, and landfills. Finite resources: petroleum. Economy & finance: solar, wind, ocean, and hydrogen. (To name a few.) To me it makes more sense to simply address real issues that actually exist, and that people live and deal with, than to make things up try to create a panic. Bubbles always burst. Just look at the .com event, the real estate mess, the loan issues, the global ice age of the 70's, and so many others. Remember, after 9/11 there were some bubble entrepreneurs who made a short-term fortune selling parachutes? The same thing has happened with global warming. Yes, the world warmed up, like it does on its cyclical journey, so some bubble entrepreneurs like Gore made a fortune creating panic and selling. That is over now. I have no doubt there will be the same sort of business people creating panic and making a fortune off global cooling. If you want a picture of the future study history, geology, biology, anthropology, and philosophy. Look at the overview as a flowchart rather than people, nations, events, and natural disasters in isolation. There are patterns.