I have learned a valuable lesson from my son’s blanket. He calls one corner of the blanket his wall. Who know why? The other morning, when we were visiting family for Christmas, he woke up in the middle of the night and, being disoriented, ran into a book shelf. He began to cry and say, "I want my wall." He would not be contented without his wall.
The Law of God is a wall of protection. That wall should be my friend. I should long to not be separated from it. Have I come to Jesus acknowledging that the law declares me unholy? Do I long to be with Jesus as much as my son wants the little corner of his blanket? These were just some of the questions that came to my mind as I thought and prayed.
The other morning he tried to sneak in bed with us. I asked him where his blanket was. He had left it in his room. I tried to convince him that he should go back to where his wall was. He didn’t want it. He was carried back to his room/blanket. Indeed we, in our sinful minds, resist that Law and need a Savior. Praise God, the Good Shepherd is always looking for His sheep. I am thankful for the Wall.