I would respect that if you were doing something or at least saying something regarding what 3ABN and Danny have done, and are doing, that made more sense or at least showed a more sensible path to take. Attacking Bob and Gailon for their tactics is no more sensible or productive in accomplishing anything in the 3ABN/DS mess than the worst of the tactics they are doing because the only thing you do here is attack them for their tactics when you have completely failed to show us any tactics that would work better. Again, you are simply attacking people's methods without doing anything yourself. I respect them for at least doing something. you have done nothing that I know of.
What would you think they should do now? What are they doing? Other than I am sure hoping to drop the lawsuit?
Sometimes the legal route is the only one left and if that is no longer feasible you have done your best.
We were fortunate in that one of the best attorney's in the state saw in my son's case a chance to write new law. Had that failed,it would have been over. Simple as that. Even with that,many, many critized and found fault. The forums, the conference and many people other than my home church.
There are always going to be vulnerable people that are preyed on by predators of all kinds. The denomination as a whole wants nothing to do with correcting these same type of problems in their own ranks but will gleefully go after an independent like 3ABN.
Correcting much of this at the core would do far more than all the calling the National Enquirer. However that is far to much work, and very little glory or minutes of fame
What does Bob have to gain by fixating on TS. He is over as an issue unless he re-offends. DS did nothing illegal. But Bob's fixation on it does not reflect well on Duane Clem. I believe him without a doubt,but at this point several have commented and not favorably. I can't see much that Duane will gain thru Bob. Duane could become active in preventing the type of abuse he suffered at the hands of a pastor.
I am not sure but at the time it took place with Duane I don't even think it would have been considered a crime here. But there are places he can add his experience and help others.
Bob is not helping him. Bob wants something else as far as I am concerned.
Put the knowledge and experience to work in ways that do the most good.The National Enquirer is not it.
Bob could possibly have concern for the way his conference has operated. Bob could work as strenously for Polly's Place.
Both might want to expend some of that energy on their families