What and/or where is the 'fake' e-mail so we can see for ourselves just what it says?
I'm working on getting the whole email.
I know someone who got it, and at an SDA institution none the less, so, it appears they got their hands on some databases!
If someone else has it, please feel free to post it before I do. We'll get it here one way or another.
OK, here it is - I took it right from my email.
"-----Original Message-----
From: 3ABN.org [mailto:mail@3abn.org]
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 11:38 AM
To: *************
Subject: "the church".......what happened?!!
This message is not only going out to you,
but to everyone,..even to the whole world.
Here is what happened:
I had study the word of God for 2 years
straight without missing one day (2005-2007).
i studied and studied...i prayed and prayed.
then one day...as i was sleeping on
the couch...i was suddenly awaken by
a loud sound as of a trumpet.
A voice in the background said
"Warn the people"!! "Warn the people"!!.
I knew exactly what to warn them about, and
that was these truths which was reveal to me
through the studies of the word of God,...
and i also must warn of a judgment which
will happen in our days !!!
let me show you from the Word of God in
Revelation 12 and 13 what really took
place with "the church".
Jesus had said to Peter in Matthew 16:
"I will build My church".
Jesus did never told Peter to build his
church, and neither did Jesus ever authorized
any building to be put up and called "the church".
So it was always the believers in Christ
which are called "the church"..and because
Jesus Christ is the only name of faith..
the people are therefore called "Christians".
But today we have "Catholic Christians",
"Methodist Christians", "SDA Christians", and so on.
So what happen? why do people have 2 names of
faith side by side, and why do we build the
church when it is already buildt by the Lord?
Jesus said "i will build my church".
(speaking of his Body (colossians 1:24)
In psalms 127:1 it is written that unless
the Lord builds the house, they labour
in vain that build it
The Devil, working through Constantine II in
the year 325 AD said "build your own church"
(raising the echo from the garden of eden:
"ye shall be like gods")
Jesus said "i am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me".
Again the devil working through Constantine II said:
"make your own way..and..your own truth".
in other words ...establish your own name of faith.
(still raising the echo from the garden of eden:
"ye shall be like gods")
So for the first time in the history of "the church",
there came the Catholic faith and Catholic Church.
This is the same thing John was warning
the Christians about in his message:
They went out from us (they left the true Faith),
but they were not of us; for if they had been of us
(if they were in the true Faith), they would
have continued with us: but they went out
(they left the true Faith), that they might be
made manifest that they were not all of us
(they have made themselves to be shown that
they are not of the true Faith). 1 John 2:19
Then, sometime after that, the devil wanted those
who were worshipping God in spirit and in truth;..
he wanted them to be persecuted so that they will
leave the true body, and the true name of faith to
worship in the body he set up, and take the new
faith he established.
Then, on the 31st October 1517, Luther posted his
famous Ninety Five theses on the Catholic doors,
and let the people know that we are saved by
Grace alone, through Christ alone, by Faith alone.
This had cause a massive Hundreds of thousands
of people to leave the Catholic faith.
The people that left the Catholic faith, the Devil
caused them to be deceived so that they buildt
their own church, and made a name of faith other
than Jesus Christ for themselves.
And that is how the protestant faiths, and
the protestant churches were erected in
what became known as "the Reformation".
But persecution still went on until the year
1798 when the Pope was taken captive by the
french revolution, and later died in excile.
This is where John the Revelator saw the head
of the beast as it was wounded by the sword.
This brought to an end a 1260 years (538-1798)
of persecution of the saints of the most high.
But the deadly wound was healed!! how was it heal?
In 1929 a Pope was reinstated as
the head of the Catholic church.
Now the deadly wound is healed!
The people that had left Rome, they came
to another land where they can worship
God in spirit and in truth..which means
they would keep the commandments of God,
and the faith of Jesus Christ.
But the Devil was angry, and went to make
war with them ...and in this war he overcame
them by causing them, and all that dwell on
the earth, to make an image to the first
beast whose deadly wound was healed.
In other words...build your own church and
make a name of faith for yourselves other
than Jesus Christ.
It may seem simple to sweep it all under
the rug and say our religious name does
not matter...but before the eyes of God
it is a city of Confusion (Isaiah 24:10),
it is "babel" (Babylon).
And he wants us out of it because
her sins has reached up to heaven,
and he will pour out his wrath upon it.
(the 7 last plagues on this babylon)
Just like in the days of Elijah..
they were worshipping the true God
by blending in the traditions of Baal.
Elijah told them to make up their mind,
because it has to be either Baal or
the Lord God.
Today we have the traditions of men
(all these denominations with their names)
blend in with the worship of God in Christ.
Choose ye this day whom ye shall serve:
either God through Jesus Christ, or
God through your denomination.
I know that me and my house will serve
the Lord God through Jesus Christ.